Pre-publication versions of many of these articles can be found online on ResearchGate. Some articles can be accessed open access via the publisher. If you want a copy of the published article and cannot access it due to proprietary publisher rights, please contact me.
Published refereed articles & proceedings
Wiegerink, K., De Boer, B. & Ferguson, J.E. (2022). Toward a futureproof equilibrium in the City of Amsterdam: Measuring city hospitality experience of visitors and residents. In: Proceedings of the Third International Hospitality Research Symposium. 9-10 June, Hotelschool The Hague, Amsterdam.
Van Hille, I., Bakker, F., Ferguson, J.E, & Groenewegen, P. (2021) Collective convening: Organizational and interorganizational-level tensions in joint cross-sector partnership formation. A. Aristidou, A., S. Furnari, & M. Sadri. Cross Sectoral Partnerships for Social Impact: Synergetic interactions in and around partnerships. Proceedings of the Academy of Management 2021, OMT, SIM, PNP Division.
Biersteker, E., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. & Boersma, K. (2021). Humanitarian support at the interface of international and sovereign law. Journal of International Humanitarian Action 2021:6: 1-14. Download
Boersma, K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. & Wolbers, J.J. (2021). The dynamics of power in disaster response networks. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. DOI: 10.1002/rhc3.12218
Van Hille, I., De Bakker, F., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. 2021. Strategizing nature in cross-sector partnerships: Can plantation revitalization enable living wages? Organization & Environment. Special Issue: “Regenerative Organizations: Business and Climate Action Beyond Mitigation and Adaptation.” 34(2): 175-197. Download
Ferguson, J.E., Wiegerink, K., Majoor, S.J.H. (2020). Urban consumption spaces as living labs: A novel hospitality experience measure toward a futureproof equilibrium. In: D. Schuurman (Ed.), Proceedings of the Digital Living Lab Days Conference 2020: Connecting people and technologies towards a citizen-centered digital future (pp. 226-233 [22]). European Network of Living Labs.
Meerkerk, J., Ferguson, J.E., Grin, J. (2020). Living labs for the urban commons: Developing collaborative governance arrangements through experimental learning environments. In: D. Schuurman (Ed.), Proceedings of the Digital Living Lab Days Conference 2020: Connecting people and technologies towards a citizen-centered digital future (pp. 185-192 [19]). European Network of Living Labs.
Ferguson, J.E., Van der Heijden, E., De Zeeuw, A. 2020. Co-creation in urban living labs: A multilevel perspective on labour market innovation. In: Hirvikoski, T. et al. (Eds.) Co-creating and Orchestrating Multistakeholder Innovation. Laurea University Press. 14-22.
Van Hille, I., De Bakker, F.G.A., Ferguson, J.E., & Groenewegen, P. (2020). Cross-sector partnerships for sustainability: How mission-driven conveners drive change in national coffee platforms. Sustainability 12(7): 2846
Boersma, K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., Mulder, F.,
Schmidt, A. & Wolbers, J. 2019. Platform Governance of Self-Organized
Initiatives in Response to Disasters. In: J. Koppenjan, P.M. Karré, K. Termeer.
Smart Hybridity, Potentials and
Challenges of New Governance Arrangements. Den
Haag: Eleven International Publishing, 31-42.
Van Hille, I., De Bakker, F. G.,
Ferguson, J. E., & Groenewegen, P. 2019. Navigating tensions in a cross‐sector social partnership:
How a convenerdrives change for sustainability. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 26:317–329.
Van Berkel, F., Ferguson, J. E., & Groenewegen, P.
2019. Once bitten, twice shy: How anxiety and political blame avoidance cause a
downward spiral of trust and control in
the aftermath of failed public projects. Administration & Society, 51(4),
Borst, I., Moser, C., & Ferguson, J.E. (2018) From friendfunding to crowdfunding: Relevance of relationships, social media, and platform activities to crowdfunding performance. Social Media and Society, 20(4): 1396-1414.
F. K., Ferguson,
J. E., Groenewegen, P., Mulder,
F., Schmidt,
A. J. & Wolbers,
J. J. (2018). Platformsturing van zelforganisatie tijdens rampen. Bestuurskunde, 27(2): 14-21.
J. E., Groenewegen,
P., Moser, C.,
Borgatti, S. P. & Mohr, J. W. (2018). Structure, content and
meaning of organizational networks: Extending network thinking. Introduction to the Volume. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 53, 1-15.
Groenewegen, P., Ferguson, J. E., Moser, C., Mohr, J. W. & Borgatti, S. P. (2017) Structure, content and meaning of organizational networks: Extending network thinking. Volume 53 for Research in the Sociology of Organization, Ed.Bingley: Emerald Insight. 244 p.
Moser, C., Groenewegen, P. & Ferguson, J. E. (2017). Meaning
in organizational networks: From social to digital and back. Research
in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol.. 53: 211-229. Awarded with Emerald Outstanding Author Award.
Schmidt, A., Wolbers, J., Ferguson, J. Boersma,
K. (2017). Are you Ready2Help? Conceptualizing the management
of online and onsite volunteer convergence, Journal
of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 2017(1): 1-12.
Biersteker, E., Ferguson,
J.E., Groenewegen, P., Beersma, B. (2017). Toward
a legal perspective on crisis information management: Legal values and
privacy-sensitive information at odds? Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management,
14(1) DOI: 10.1515/jhsem-2016-0060 .
Wildevuur, S., Ferguson, J.E., Thomese, F.,
Klink, A. (2017). Information and communication technologies to support chronic
disease self-management: Preconditions for enhancing the partnership in
person-centered care. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 9(1): 1-11.
Ferguson, J.E., Dahles, H., & Susilowati,
T. (2017). The Indonesian tourism industry under crisis: A Bourdieuan
perspective on social boundaries among small-scale business owners. Asia Pacific
Business Review, 23 (2), 171-191.
Ferguson, J. E., Tea, S., Dahles, H., Wakkee, I. A. M., Moser, C., & Spierenburg, M. J. (2017). Problematizing opportunity pursuit: Multidimensional embeddedness of international entrepreneurship. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, 2017(1):
Van Berkel, F., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P.
(2016) Once bitten, twice shy: How anxiety and political blame avoidance cause
a downward spiral of trust and control in the aftermath of failed public
projects. Administration
and Society, p.1-36.
Taminiau, Y., Ferguson, J.E., Moser, C. (2016)
Instrumental client relationship development among top-ranking service
professionals. Service Industries Journal, 36(15-16): 789-808.
Groenewegen, P. & Ferguson, J.E. (2016)
Social networks in and between organizations. In: Oxford
Bibliographies in Management. Ed. Ricky Griffin. New York,
Oxford University Press.
Boersma, F. K., Ferguson, J. E., Diks, D., & Wolbers, 2016. J. A critical discussion of the Twitcident project. From reactive to proactive use of social media in emergency response. In: Silvius, G. (Ed.), Strategic Integration of Social Media into Project Management Practice. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global Publishing. pp. 236-252.
Wolbers, J.J., Boersma,
F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., Mulder, F. (2016). Two faces of disaster response: Transcending
the dichotomy of control and collaboration during the Nepal earthquake relief
operation. International
Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters, 34(4): 419-438. Special
Issue on the Nepal earthquake.
Mulder, F., Ferguson,
J.E., Groenewegen, P., Wolbers, J., Boersma, F.K. (2016). Questioning big data: Crowdsourcing crisis data
towards an inclusive humanitarian response. Big Data and Society,
July-Dec. 2016: 1-13.
Van Berkel, F., Ferguson,
J.E., & Groenewegen, P. (2016). Speedy
delivery or long-term objectives? How time pressure affects coordination
between temporary projects and permanent organizations. Long
Range Planning 49(6): 661-673.
Schmidt, A.J., Wolbers, J.J., Boersma, F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. (2016) Are you Ready2Help? Dilemmas in organizing citizen responses to disasters. Proceedings of the 13th International ISCRAM Conference, Rio de Janeiro.
Ferguson, J.E., Salominaite, E., & Boersma,
F.K. (2016). Past, present and future: How the Lithuanian Diaspora in the
Netherlands accumulates human capital from social capital. Journal of
Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42(13): 2205-2225.
Ferguson, J.E. (2016). Inclusive perspectives
or in-depth learning? A longitudinal case study of past debates and future
directions in knowledge management for development. Journal of
Knowledge Management, 20(1): 4 - 22. Special Issue on
"Knowledge management in the not-for-profit sector".
Taminiau, Y. & Ferguson, J.E. (2015) From
purists to players? How service industry professionals develop social skills
for informal client relationships. International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 19(1):
J.E., & Soekijad, M. (2015). Multiple interests or unified voice? Online
communities as intermediary spaces for development. Journal of Information Technology, 31(4): 358-381. Special Issue on
"Growth in ICT uptake in developing countries: new users, new uses, new
J.E., & Taminiau, Y. (2014). Conflict and learning in interorganizational
communities: Negotiating knowledge claims. Journal
of Knowledge Management, 18(5): 886 - 904
Boersma, F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., & Wolbers, J. 2014. Beyond the Myth of Control: Toward network switching in disaster management. In: S.R. Hiltz, M.S. Pfaff, L. Plotnick, and P.C. Shih (Eds), Proceedings of the 11th International ISCRAM Conference: 123-127. Pennsylvania, 18-21 May 2014.
Corporaal, G.F., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. & Gilder, D. de (2014). 10,000 Miles Across the Room? Emergent Coordination in Multiparty Collaboration. In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Collaboration Across Boundaries: Culture, Distance & Technology. ACM DL. Kyoto, 21-22 Aug. 2014.
J.E., Soekijad, M., Huysman, M.H., & Vaast, E. 2013. Blogging for ICT4D:
Reflecting and engaging with peers to build development discourse 23(2): in
press. Information Systems Journal 23(4): 307-328.
J.E. 2012
Perspectives on aid. Accommodating
heterogeneity in knowledge management for development.
VU Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam: VU
Ferguson, J. E., Huysman, M. H., & Soekijad, M. 2010.
Knowledge Management in Practice: Pitfalls and Potentials for Development.
World Development 38(12):
Ferguson, J.E., & Cummings, S. 2008. Knowledge Management in Practice: The Case of International Development. In A. Koohang, K. Harman & J. Britz (Eds.), Knowledge Management: Research and Application. Santa Rosa, California: The Informing Science Press.
J.E. & Cummings, S. 2006. Introduction: Bridging Knowledge Divides: The
Role of Partnerships and Cross-Cutting Initiatives. Knowledge Management for Development Journal, 2(3).
J.E. & Cummings, S. 2006. Introduction: Effective Knowledge Sharing for
Development in Africa. Knowledge
Management for Development Journal, 2(1).
J.E. 2005. Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice. Knowledge Management for Development Journal,
1(3): 46-54.
J.E. & Cummings, S. 2005. Introduction: Supporting Communities in
Development: Tools and Approaches. Knowledge
Management for Development Journal, 1(1).
Groenewegen, P., Ferguson, J. E., Moser, C., Mohr, J. W. & Borgatti, S. P. (2017) Structure, content and meaning of organizational networks: Extending network thinking. Volume 53 for Research in the Sociology of Organization, Ed.Bingley: Emerald Insight. 244 p.
Ferguson, J. Perspectives on Aid. Accomodating heterogeneity in Knowledge Management for Development. PhD Dissertation. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Published reports
Ferguson, J.E., Risselada, A. & De Kreek M. (2022). De Winkelstraat als Wereld. Samenwerken aan een toekomstbestendig evenwicht van Amsterdamse consumptieruimten. Slotrapport na vier jaar onderzoek RAAK-PRO: Toekomstbestendig Evenwicht, Balanceren tussen divergerende belangen. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Center of Expertse Urban Governance and Social Innovation. download
De Kreek, M., Ferguson, J.E., et al. Welbegrepen Eigenbelang: Samen naar een toekomstbestendig evenwicht van Amsterdamse consumptieruimten. Bevindingen na twee jaar onderzoek RAAK-PRO: Toekomstbestendig Evenwicht, Balanceren tussen divergerende belangen. Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Center of Expertse Urban Governance and Social Innovation. download
De Zeeuw, A., Hogenstijn, M., Meulemans, W., & Ferguson, J. (2020). Ondernemend participeren vanuit de wijk: Lessen over leren en verbinden op drie schaalniveaus. Amsterdam: Hogeschool van Amsterdam.
Risselada, A., Troxler, P., Ferguson, J.E., Van de Mosselaarm, M., Rutten, P., Bhansing, P., Mooiman, E., Weltevreden, J., Majoor, S.J.H. 2019. Denken, durven, doen, delen? Onderzoek naar 5 jaar BIZ in Nederland. Zeist: Platform de Nieuwe Winkelstraat.
Boersma, F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Mulder, F., & Wolbers, J.J. 2016. Humanitarian Response Coordination and Cooperation in Nepal: Coping with challenges and dilemmas. VU Amsterdam: White Paper.
Refereed conference and workshop papers
Meerkerk, J., Ferguson, J.E., Grin, J. 2020. Living labs for the urban commons: Developing collaborative governance arrangements through experimental learning environments. Presented at Digital Living Lab Days, European Network of Living Labs, 3 Sept. 2020.
Ferguson, J.E., Wiegerink, K., Majoor, S.J.H., Huizing, J. 2020. Urban consumption spaces as living labs: A novel hospitality experience measure toward a futureproof equilibrium. Presented at Digital Living Lab Days, European Network of Living Labs. Sept. 2019.
Van der Heijden, De Zeeuw, Ferguson, J.E., 2019. Working together in living labs: A multilevel network approach toward maximizing impact. Paper presented at Annual Living Lab Days, European Network of Living Labs, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ferguson, J.E., Tea,
S., Dahles, H., Wakkee, I., Moser, C., Spierenburg, M.J. 2017.Problematizing
opportunity pursuit Multidimensional embeddedness of international
entrepreneurship. Presented at Academy of Management Annual
Meeting, August 4 - 8, in Atlanta, GA. Entrepreneurship (ENT) Division.
J.J., Groenewegen, P., Ferguson, J.E., & Boersma, F.K. 2017. The hidden networked
power in disasters: Towards a conceptualization of programming and switching in
response networks. Presented at North European Conference on Emergency and
Disaster Studies (NEEDS), University of Copenhagen, May 2017.
P., Wolbers, J.J., Ferguson, J.E., & Boersma, F.K. 2017. The hidden networked
power in disasters. Presented at European Group for Organization
Studies (EGOS), sub-theme 53: Resilient Organizing: Managing in Extreme Contexts
and Situations of Crisis. Copenhagen, July 2017.
F., Groenewegen, P., & Ferguson, J.E. 2017. Towards resilient
recovery: The role of infomediaries in facilitating a community driven
humanitarian response. Presented at European Group for Organization
Studies (EGOS), sub-theme 53: Resilient Organizing: Managing in Extreme
Contexts and Situations of Crisis.Copenhagen, July 2017.
Van Hille, I.,
Ferguson, J.E., De Bakker, F. 2017. A cup of tea is a cup of peace?
Negotiation processes on a living wage in the tea industry. Presented at 12th Organization
Studies Summer Workshop on “Food Organizing Matters: Paradoxes, Problems
and Potentialities”, Crete, May 2017.
Ferguson, J.E., Tea,
S., Dahles, H., Wakkee, I., Moser, C., Spierenburg, M.J. 2016. The dark side of
entrepreneurial opportunity: Assessing the social impact of foreign direct
investment. Presented at European Group for Organization
Sciences (EGOS), Napels.
Van Hille, I., De
Bakker, F. & Ferguson, J.E. 2016. Convening multi-stakeholder partnerships:
Crafting social innovation for sustainable trade. Presented
at European Group for Organization Sciences (EGOS), Napels.
Corporaal, G.F.,
Ferguson, J.E., Levina, N. Implementing radical process innovation: Crossing
the boundary from development to deployment. Presented
at European Group for Organization Sciences (EGOS),
Mulder, F., Ferguson,
J.E. 2016. Digital humanitarians: creating and connecting ‘online crisis
communities’ in the aftermath of a humanitarian disaster. Presented at International
Conference on Social Media and Society, London, July 2016.
Hille, I., De Bakker, F., Ferguson, J.E. 2016. Convening Multi-Stakeholder
Partnerships. Theorizing 'convening' in the context of sustainable trade.
Presented at 5th International Symposium on Cross-Sector Social
Interactions (CSSI 2016): Cross-Sector Partnerships for Systemic Change,
Toronto, 17-20 April, 2016.
Boersma, F.K.,
Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P. & Wolbers, J.J. 2015. Toward an inclusive
response: Network programming and switching in disaster governance. To be
presented at NEEDS - the first North European Conference on Emergency
and Disaster Studies, University of Copenhagen, December 2015.
Borst, I., Moser, C.,
& Ferguson, J.E. From friendfunding to crowdfunding. How crowdfunding
communities create value through online activities. Presented at 4th
Amsterdam workshop on Research advances
in social and semantic networks, Amsterdam, August 2015.
Corporaal, G.F.,
Ferguson, J.E., Levina, N. 2015. Creating windows of opportunity. How to
sustain radical innovation from dispersed R&D. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting
(TIM Division), Vancouver, August 2015.
G.F., Ferguson, J.E., De Gilder, D.C., Groenewegen, P. 2015. A cross-boundary
coordination perspective on managing complexity in multiparty collaboration. Presented
at Academy of Management Annual
Meeting (OMT Division), Vancouver, August 2015.
G.F., Ferguson, J.E., De Gilder, D.C., Groenewegen, P. 2015. Paradoxical boundary
work in strategy making: eliminating or shifting boundaries? Presented at University of Edinburgh Business School
(UEBS), Strategy conference. May, 2015. Best paper award.
Corporaal, G.F.,
Ferguson, J.E., De Gilder, D.C., Groenewegen. 2014. P. 10 000 miles across the
room? Toward a process model for coordination in multiparty collaborations.
Presented at Journal of Management
Studies Conference, Writers’ workshop ‘Managing complexity within and
across organizational boundaries’. Cambridge, March 2014.
Corporaal, G.F.,
Ferguson, J.E., De Gilder, D.C., Groenewegen, P. 2014.The emergence of
(inter)organizational routines for cross-boundary coordination in multiparty
collaborations. Presented at European
Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Conference. Subtheme 28: Unsettling
boundaries: Practices of inter-organizational collaboration. Rotterdam, July 2014.
Hille, I., De Bakker, F., Ferguson, J.E. 2014. Against the Odds: Catalyzing Change
towards Sustainability in the Dutch Timber Sector. Presented at European Group of Organization Studies
(EGOS) Conference. Sub-theme 10: Collaboration and Confrontation: Dynamic
Interactions between Corporations and Non-Governmental Organizations.
Rotterdam, July 2014.
F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Groenewegen, P., & Wolbers, J. 2014. Beyond the Myth of
Control: Toward network switching in disaster management. Presented at 11th International Conference on Information
Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Track ‘Command and control
studies’. Pennsylvania, May 2014.
Ferguson, J.E.,
Soekijad, M., & Huysman, M.H. 2013. Fostering development through online
communities: A knowledge framing perspective. Presented at International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Management Information Systems Quarterly
(MISQ) Writers’ Special Issue workshop ‘ICT & Societal Challenges’. Milan,
December 2013.
Corporaal, G.F.,
Ferguson, J.E., & De Gilder, D. 2013. The Perception of Boundaries in
Dispersed Collaboration: A Sensemaking Approach. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting
(OMT Division).
Ferguson, J.E.,
Dahles, H., & Susilowati, T. 2012. Social
capital revisited: A boundary spanning perspective on entrepreneurship under
crises. Accepted for presentation at Asia Pacific Journal of Management Writers’
workshop for the Special Issue on ‘Closing
the Great Divide through Entrepreneurship & Innovation’, December 17-18
2012, Shanghai.
Ferguson, J.E.,
Soekijad, M. & Huysman, M.H. 2012. My way or the highway: Unfolding
parallel discourse in epistemic communities. Presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting (OCIS Division), August 3-7, 2012,
Ferguson, J.E., Soekijad,
M., and Huysman, M.H. 2010. Conflict and Learning in Development Communities: A
Negotiated Order Lens. Presented at Academy
of Management Annual Meeting (OCIS), August 6-10, 2010,
Ferguson, J.E.,
Soekijad, M., and Huysman, M.H. 2010. Mission-Based Communities as Negotiated
Orders. Presented at European Group of
Organizational Studies (EGOS), 1-3 July 2010, Lisbon, and Organizational Learning, Knowledge and
Capabilities (OLKC), 5-6 June 2010, Boston.
Ferguson, J., &
Huysman, M. 2009. Between Ambition and Approach: Towards Situated Mutual
Learning in Development Organizations. Presented at Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC), 27-29
April, 2009, Amsterdam.
Ferguson, J.E. &
Cummings, S. 2007. Inclusive Readership and Sustainability – Friends or Foes?
The Case of the KM4D Journal. Presented at Open Access for Development Conference, 26-28 September 2007,
The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E. 2007.
There’s No Such Thing as a ’Knowledge Society’. Review and critical analysis of
knowledge management for development approaches and issues of impact
measurement. Presented at European
Evaluation Society, 18-19 October 2007, Odense.
Other published articles (professional journals, opinion pieces, editorials, working papers)
J.E. 2018. Onafhankelijkheid in onderwijs en onderzoek. NRC Opinie, 27 januari 2018.
F.K., Ferguson, J.E., Mulder, F., & Wolbers, J.J. 2016. Humanitarian
Response Coordination
and Cooperation in Nepal: Coping with challenges and dilemmas. VU Amsterdam:
White Paper.
Maassen, P.M. &
Ferguson, J.E. 2011. Terug naar de aaibare thema's. NRC Opinie,
25 februari, 2011.
Cummings, S. &
Ferguson, J.E. 2008. The knowledge management revolution in development
cooperation: An introduction. Inside
Knowledge, 11(5).
Ferguson, J. E.,
Cummings, S., & Mchombu, K. 2008. Management of knowledge for development: Meta-review and scoping study.
Bonn: EADI.
Ballantyne, P.,
Cummings, S. & Ferguson, J.E. 2008. Recipes for success – putting
development knowledge to work. Vice
Versa 41(3).
Ferguson J.E. &
Biekart, K. 2005. Confronting the State, Engaging the State: Civil Society
Building under Adverse Political Conditions. Working paper, Institute for Social Studies/Hivos:
The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E. 2004.
Does the policy fit the practice fit the policy? Challenges of mainstreaming
ICT4D policy .Editorial, Euforic,
September 2004.
Ferguson, J.E. &
Maassen, P.M. 2004. Kom je stoel uit! Editorial, NRC Handelsblad (Opinie), July
21, 2004.
Ferguson, J.E. &
Chambille, K. 2004. Between Resilience and Resistance: promoting progressive
culture. Civil Society Building in Africa. Working paper. Hivos: The Hague
Ferguson, J.E. 2004.
An Inclusive Information Society: rhetoric or reality? Position paper for Dutch delegation to World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS), The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E.,
Addison, C., & Besemer, H. 2003. Fertile Ground. Coherence in international
agriculture information systems. IICD/DFID
Research report. International Institute for Communication and
Development, The Hague/London.
Ferguson, J.E. &
Maassen, P.M. 2003. Building Inclusive Information Societies. Dutch
perspectives for the WSIS. IICD/Hivos Research report for Dutch delegation to World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS). Hivos/IICD: The Hague.
Kruidhof, O. &
Ferguson, J. 2003. Making Sense of e-Business in Developing Countries. IICD Working paper. International Institute for
Communication and Development: The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E.
(Editor) 2003. Open Source Software: take it or leave it? The status of open
source software in Africa. IICD
Working Paper. International Institute for Communication and
Development, The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E. 2003.
Protecting local knowledge in the information society, IConnect offline, April 2003.
Ferguson, J.E. 2003.
From Beedies to CDs: Snapshots from a journey through India’s rural knowledge
centres. IICD Working Paper.
International Institute for Communication and Development: The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E. 2002.
ICT & Education: The Glocal Perspective . Position paper for Dutch delegation to World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS). Hivos/IICD: The Hague.
Ferguson, J.E. &
Ballantyne, P. 2002. Sustaining ICT-enabled Development: Practice Makes
Perfect? IICD Working Paper. International
Institute for Communication and Development: The Hague.